FINALLY! Drag Race fans have been asking for an All Stars season pretty much immediately after the last one. We have been speculating over who should be on it for years! The first All Stars was way back in 2012! Too long!
Anyways...When the queens were announced I think everyone was pretty happy with most of the choices, Tatiana (?) Phi Phi (bitch), and were VERY VERY excited about the new season...
Thursday August 25th...the season premiere of All Stars 2! Sadly, those of us who live outside the U.S. have to wait until the next day to watch it. (I have my ways) Luckily, no one spoiled anything for us online!
Ru is not messing around on this one! No teams, which totally sucked and sadly one of my faves got voted off on the first episode...noooooo, not Mimi, Pandora. Twists and turns and the library is open in the first episode (the shade of it all)...episode 2 is Snatch Game (yay!) Ru tells all ten queens that she will not be sending anyone home and that they won't be lip syncing for their lives anymore...they will be lip syncing for their legacy and winning $10,000! But most queens thing something is up and are worried.
The first maxi challenge was a talent show EXTRAVAGANZA! The queens each showcased what they do best. It turns out the the winner of the lip sync will be the one choosing who goes home! #drama
I don't really need to go over what happens on the show step by step...obviously, you watched it if you're reading this...let's just get to what we're here for...THE QUEENS! Time to break it down! All tea, all shade...
J'adore Adore! I was even Adore for Halloween last year...But Adore seems a bit lost. And I hate, hate, hate saying this but she looked bloated and her lips are way too big! Obviously, she sang and that girl can sing! I've seen her live. But her outfits was not her. Her hair can make-up was on point but the dress was very old lady on a cruise. It was sparkly but shapeless.
Michelle Visage ripped her apart. Adore ended up in the bottom three.
I did not like Alaska on her season. It might have been the whole Ro-Laska-Tox thing. But now I love her! Her music is fabulous! Her look is more polished! And she's funny as fuck. Alaska also sang and was safe...but everyone of the other queens think that she's the biggest competition and the one to beat. Alaska is there to win it! And thank Alaska says 'the band is not getting back together!'
Alyssa is still mad as a hatter...but always entertaining. The question she in on the joke or does she think she's in on the joke?
I 've never seen Alyssa perform so was quite impressed with her 'Variety' routine...there was lip syncing, there was dancing (she's a very good dancer) and there was a ventriloquist puppet!
Alyssa thinks she's better than she actually is so let's see how far she gets against other better queens.
CoCo was Alyssa's biggest threat and frenemy during their season. But they have 'buried the hatch' according to Alyssa. CoCo is old school and pretty much only does
Janet Jackson in Las what does she do for the talent show...a Ginger Rogers inspired 'ballroom' dance. Everyone was like 'ummm, what?' Coco was in the bottom three. Oh and Michelle said she looked sootie. Doh!
Detox was one-third of Ro-Laska-Tox and since Alaska is not playing that game anymore it looks like it will just be Roxxxy-Tox the careful! Detox is a great queen, she's got a new wave 80's thing going on. She can't really sing so she mostly played with glow in the dark paint during the talent reminded me of that scene in Miss Congeniality where Sandra Bullock takes them to the club.
I love Ginger Minge and she did deserve to be in the top three of her season. She says she needs to be nicer but I never thought of her as mean. Ginger sang, and she's a good singer but it wasn't a show stopper...more like the song you go to the bar or toilet when she sings it. Can't wait to see her in Snatch Game, which is the next episode! Her Adele was hilarious!
KATYA!!!!!!!! I love Katya so much! She was totally robbed her season and should have been in the top three or even won! She's so funny and willing to do and wear anything...though she said she was holding back last time. Can't wait to see how far she goes this time! She did gymnastics for the talent show, cuz she's awesome.
Phi Phi is one of the queens who are here to prove something. She was such a total pageant queen bitch on her season that she wasn't getting bookings. She has totally changed her drag and is now a cosplay queen. Her 365 Days of Drag on Instgram is amaaaaazing. It's funny how she went from not getting alternative drag like Sharon Needles to doing it herself. She sang, badly, pick a key girl and was in the bottom three.
Roxxxy...hated her. She was such a mean girl bully to Jinkx Monsoon. It still makes me angry. She is the other queen who is here to prove something. At least she admits that she wasn't 'edited to look bad' and that she said what she said and it was because she was intimidated by Jinkx. I didn't think I could ever change my mind about her but she did something in the show that really impressed me...and it wasn't her Burlesque act in the talent show.
When the queens were announced and Tatianna walked into the workroom everyone was like...who? Tati is from season two and a lot of the queens are underestimating her. She did a spoken word routine for her talent and looked fierce too. She's the dark horse of the competition.
Roxxxy and Tatianna were the top two and had to lip synce for their legacy, to Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off'.
NOW FOR THE TWIST!!!!!!! THE WINNER HAS TO CHOOSE WHO GOES HOME FROM THE BOTTOM THREE! And this is where Roxxxy changed my opinion of her...DAMMIT! Roxxxy took each of the bottom three girls; Adore, Coco and Phi Phi aside and talked to each of them. She wasn't a bitch, she wasn't a mean girl...she was sypathetic and understanding and really though about who should go home and didn't take out her biggest competition. This is actually killing me to write all this.
Roxxxy won the lip sync and sent her friend Coco home, she was actually worried that Coco won't speak to her ever again.
AND NOW FOR ANOTHER TWIST!!!! Coco goes to the workroom to give her final interview and Rupaul pops up on the TV screen and tells her that she has an opportunity to come back for Ruvenge!
Me as Adore for Halloween last year. |