A slumlord is poisoned in the confessional as he seeks absolution from the priest – his estranged son.
(from http://jesmaine.tripod.com/mswseason9.html)
Jessica's back in
NYC teaching writing classes again, she hops around doesn't she? Of course, one of her students will be involved with the mystery.
Commander Chakotay from
Star Trek: Voyager is in this one. He's a priest; Father Michael, but a cool one, down with the kids cuz he's playing basketball in the beginning.
Some verdict has come in, some sleazy 'slum lord', Frank Fernandez, has been found innocent in the murder of Roberto Galvan, because there's no body. Is he the future murder victim?
Father Michael is going to run for city council to replace the guy who was murdered. Better be careful!
Of course, he goes to Jessica for advice...the slum lord comes in and threatens him, tells him to give it up and not to run. Oh my god! Frank Fernandez is Father Michael's dad! Oh the irony.
Frank's other son, Raymond, is selling crack in the slums they own. Frank is not happy about that.
Roberto Galvan's body was just found because of some flooding.
The police ask Jessica to go with him to tell the family, for moral support. Fernandez can't be charged again because of double jeopardy. The Galvan family are pissed!
Jose Galvan's girlfriend, Ruth, is freaking out because she's worried Jose is gonna do something stupid. But he's not the one who's wants to do something, it's Tony Galvan.
Raymond breaks into there plant shop and threatens the family. Mrs. Galvan tells him 'If you go after my boys, I'll kill you myself.'
Looks like Raymond is the future murder victim! Drugs, family honor, slum lording...
Frank calls Father Mike and says he wants to confess his sins to his priest. He feels bad for all the things he's done. He tells Raymond that he wants him out of his life and home because he's ashamed of him.
Frank goes into the confessional. Someone throws some kind of powder in his face, POISON! They run out, they're wearing a 'St. Julian' hoodie. Frank stumbles out into Father Mike's arms. His last words are 'Forgive father, for I have sinned.' Father Mike blesses him and then he dies.
Oh yeah...Jose's girlfriend was lurking in the shadows and she knows about plants and poisons.
Jose has a 'St. Julian' hoodie. But Tony was wearing it.
The tests come back and it's poison from Jamaica. Ruth's been to the Caribbean and works at the Galvan's plant store which sells the plants that make the poison. Dun, dun, duhhhh...
Raymond gives Father Mike $25,000 dollars but he won't take it because it's dirty money. Jessica sees the whole thing.
Jose checked out a book called 'The Toxic Handbook'. Mrs. Galvan tried to confess that it was her.
Jessica goes to the library to check on something.
Ruth confesses to Jessica that she was in the church when Frank was murdered...she was everything. She says Jose did it.
But she never saw his face just the hoodie.
Tony says he wanted to kill him but wanted to shoot him and couldn't get bullets.
Jessica's figured it out! Her and the police go to talk to Raymond Fernandez. He did it!
Raymond dated one of Jessica's just to find out what was happening in the class. He killed his father because he knew that Raymond was the one who actually killed Roberto Galvan.
My favorite line: 'Put a sock in it Raymond. She's just getting started.' - Det. Sgt. Bob Davis